Probe into China submarine incursion in Maldivian sea parameter

North Galolhu MP Eva Abdulla has requested for a question session by summoning Defense Minister Moosa Ali Jaleel to probe and validate the case of a Chinese submarine incursion into Maldivian waters.
Under the act of questioning cabinet ministers، the MDP affiliated member presented for a questionnaire session request at Majlis sometime today.
According to Ms Eva Abdulla’s question – she had requested to confirm and validate the authenticity of a Chinese Yuan-335 class submarine entering into Maldivian waters between March 31st to May 22nd.
In addition to this she had requested to clarify if Maldivian national security or defense authority will be notified if a vehicle enters into Maldivian border through sea، along with clarification if the vessel had requested permission of entry.
Majlis members are granted for such questioning through a letter submitted to Majlis speaker following a 14-day waiting period on the request.
Ms Eva’s questions come amid the case of a Chinese military submarine trekking through India’s oceanic border and docking at Karachi، Pakistan in 27th May، 2015.
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