Finance Ministry: Government’s policy is to harmonize salaries of all sectors

Underscoring that the government’s policy is to harmonize the salaries for all sectors, Finance Ministry has stressed that efforts were underway to reach this goal.
In a statement released regarding the silent protest staged by the staff of Maldives National University (MNU) urging authorities against differentiating against them, and demanding a salary increment – Finance Ministry stated that the salaries and allowances of all staff will see a positive change when the government’s pay framework comes into force.
The statement also underscored that efforts were underway to fit the issuance of salaries and allowances of lecturers to the new framework.
Speaking to Sun on last Wednesday, Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer said that the government was working on granting a salary increment to lecturers, along with teachers.
In line with this, he noted that Finance Ministry was working on a formulating a new salary structure for lecturers.
“The work has been done with MNU. We have shared it with IMU, and gotten their comments,” he said.
MNU’s staff wore black on Sunday, in a silent protest urging authorities not to differentiate against them, and authorize a salary increment with reference to the salary increment for public school teachers recently authorized.
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