National bank to reissue 350 cards

Bank of Maldives (BML) has stated that no customers' card information has been leaked from the bank.
The bank made the statement in response to accusations on social media that said details of several BML customers were published online on the dark web. Heavy criticism has been aimed at the bank over the alleged breach.
BML said even if the information is not leaked from the bank, it is possible for the information to be leaked if merchants and e-commerce merchants around the world are compromised. In this regard, a card partner last Thursday informed of a potential breach of data from a large merchant that may have affected up to 350 BML customers, said the bank.
BML said the affected cards have been deactivated, and assured that the bank is in the process of issuing replacements for customers. The bank said its customers are fully protected and will not face any financial loss in the event that any merchants are compromised.
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