Bangladeshi man arrested in relation to Dhangethi rape case

A Bangladeshi man has been arrested in relation to the recent robbery and rape of an Indian teacher in Alif Dhaalu Dhangethi.
Police have confirmed that they have arrested a man in relation to the case and that they have collected a number of evidences against him. Police have not revealed details of the arrest.
Dhangethi Council has said that the man arrested was from Bangladesh.
In addition to the recent arrest, 3 people were taken into custody from Dhangethi last week in relation to the rape and robbery case.
President of Dhangethi Council Azim Adam said that police took the man into custody during an operation undertaken following the rape to inspect all vessels departing from the island. Azim said that the man was found in possession of the goods that were stolen last week.
A person from Dhangethi said that the Bangladeshi man, a domestic worker on the island, was arrested and taken to the police station located in Mahibadhoo, another island in the atoll. He said that a large number of people came to the harbour at the time of their departure, and had aired their sentiments calling for the man face due justice.
The man also said that some people had tried to attack the Bangladeshi man at the time of his arrest, and that the conflict was encouraged by the island council.
The council refuted the claim saying that they had not encouraged such a conflict, but said that some people at the harbour did try to harm the man and that the police had soon brought the situation under control.
The people of the island earlier told Sun that the Indian teacher, who had gone to the island to teach in a computer course organized by a local group, was raped last Sunday, and that they had also robbed her of some money and electronics.
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