Ahmed Mohamed emerged as the winner of the 'Be a Niner' campaign, which ran from January to June this year. The campaign was targeted at those who deposited their salaries in MIB accounts.
MIB, which sees a high number of Maldivians depositing money in its accounts, offers the Ujaala financing facility at special rates to those who deposit their salaries. Additionally, customers can transact up to USD 250 monthly on the bank's Rufiyaa card.
The bank highlighted that anyone in the country can open an account online and deposit their salaries. MIB mentioned that all government ministries and many private companies can also deposit their salaries with the bank.
Customers wishing to open an account with MIB can do so online, bypassing the need to visit the bank. MIB is the only bank in the Maldives offering this initial account opening service online. Most services provided by the bank are accessible online, and MIB recently introduced an online business account opening service.
Maldives Islamic Bank Awards 160 Honda Airblade Motorcycle to 'Be a Niner' Campaign Winner
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