Bank of Maldives (BML) CEO Ganesh Subramanian, who fled the Maldives following internal investigations concerning sexual misconduct, has formally resigned.
Chairman of BML Adam Ibrahim claimed Ganesh had resigned for “heath conditions”, according to a report in Haveeru.
Ibrahim told the newspaper that Ganesh had been asked to attend an internal inquiry into the case, but he had presented medical certificates.
“We have not been able to continue the investigation as he did not attend the inquiry,” Ibrahim said.
“We are working on to hold the AGM [Annual General Meeting] after the Ramadan. We are also discussing with MMA [Maldives Monetary Authority] on distributing profit for shares,” Ibrahim said.
Chief Credit Officer Ramesh Krishnan is managing the bank in the interim while the bank seeks to recruit a new CEO, BML stated.
BML former CEO so called health condition is no reason to file his case and forget the issue.This case must be taken with Indian Government so that he cannot go to another country and repeat his bad habits. Why is Ramesh incharge of the Bank. Why cant the Chairman assign a Maldivian to run the bank. I call the Government to intervene and and see that a Maldivian is appointed as CEO. The Singapore Lady aslo made and an exist for some unkown reasons. These people come here with "fat" salaries and other benefits and takes us for a ride. The last CEO fled after trying his luck with more than one female staff. I feel the present chair unfitting for allowing such things to happen. The board was aware of "roaming eyes" and took no action thats why he was able to leave the country.Through the Indain Government this case must be brought up and the female staff case must not be buried without inquiry. Chairman dont give lame excuses such as "he did not attend the inquiry". The reputation of the female staff is at stake.
i was working in the office that day , when i came to office the GM left to airport for departures after taking money from ATM from main branch? so now what?what are you guys trying to hide? he is getting such a huge salary as told by some staff in the bank. he gets abt 1 lakh rufiyaa! isnt that huge? more than the current president !i heard there are many capable maldivians inside the BML also. why cant those ppl get the job? why shud it be sum foreign person always? come on ! all the bank customers who hold their money in the bank have teh right to speak! have the right to stand up! after auditor generals report . nothing has changed much! still the same people managing the BML . BML is gonna be the worst customer service bank in future if they dont take any actions about that!
BML lacks:
Customer satisfication!
lack of loans for the people who really need , lke the studenst who study , hosuing loans for maldivians!
no fairness in giving loans!
the policies are too old for this modern economy !
ATM s are always not in service!
i call upon the police to fully investigate the BML gm s departure!he has abused so many girls in the BML
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Fled BML CEO resigns after failing to appear at inquiry for “health conditions”
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