Taxation is allowed “under conditions”, says Adhaalath Party

Adhaalath Party has today claimed that taxation us allowed in Islam but “under conditions”, stating that there were “some issues” with proposed taxation regulation in the Maldives.
In a press release issued today detailing the party’s views on taxation, the Adhaalath Party said that some scholars believed that taxation was haram and some that it was was halal.
The party said that according to Islamic jurisprudence and economists, tax was something withdrawn from citizens without their consent and without specific profit in return.
Taxation would be allowed ‘’only in exceptional situations and it has to be stopped when the situation returns to normal’’, the party said.
‘’Thinking of taxation economically, it could be taken from the people permanently as a source of income to run the state, but under Islam tax can be taken if the state reaches a certain situation,’’ the Adhaalath Party said.
The Hanafi, Maliki, hanbali and Shafi’e sects of Islam allowed for taxation, said the Adhaalath Party, adding that there were scholars who believed that taxation was haram because it was something taken by force.
The party acknowledged that it would be “very difficult” to cover the expenditure of the state only by using the amount the state received through zakat.
However, the party urged that any money earned by taxation was to be shared justly and divided to fulfill the needs of all citizens.
‘’A tax has to be taken from the amount left after fulfilling the basic needs of the tax payers,’’ the party said. ‘’If there was nothing left after completing their basic needs, tax should not be taken from them.’’
Finance Minister Ahmed Inaz has previously stated that the proposed income tax will only affect those earning more than Rf 30,000 (US$2000) a month.
The Adhaalath Party claimed the Import Duty tax had to be stopped and said it would be more beneficial to replace this with a business profit tax, as this would be collected after the business sold the product and not before.
‘’It is a  burden for small and medium businesses to pay a heavy import duty before a product has been sold,’’ the Adhaalath Party said.
The party also called on the government to abolish “useless political appointees”and to “introduce a Zakat Act”.
Can the brights here answer this question for me please.
"The party said that according to Islamic jurisprudence and economists, tax was something withdrawn from citizens without their consent and without specific profit in return."
I do not want to pay tax, but I will still pay it because i do not want to go to jail for tax evasion. Does that mean I am paying tax without my consent?
Well in which chapter (Surarh) of Quran states that government can impose tax on its citizen.
By the way, why do we need to a make a law for zaka when it clears in Islamic Principals? So this means that the Mullahs don’t believe in words of Allah!
Good to see a policy coming out on Tax from Adhaalath.
I completely support:
"Import Duty tax had to be stopped and said it would be more beneficial to replace this with a business profit tax, as this would be collected after the business sold the product and not before."
I thought ADALATH meant justice. But I doubt it now after their press release on tax.
The one and only instrument to enforce justice (even Islam ) in a society is via tax money. Without tax revenue Government cannot provide health, education, welfare and even pay to Mudhims and religious people. So why would Adalat Party even question about the validity of taxation. This a clear example of perversion of religion for cheap publicity.
I suggest Government stop spending tax money on building mosques, paying imams, religious education and certainly funding Adalat party.
I pray that Allah punish these religious hypocrites who are innovating (bidha) Islam.. Shame, Shame.
With its naivety and ignorance and some times radical agenda, Adalat Part is on a path to destroy Islam in Maldives.
I think Adalat Party is a perfect instrument of those Jews and Christians who wants to destroy Islam in Maldives. It is the devil's party.
Muaz MZ, A policy coming out on tax from Adhaalath? oh hellooooooo! hahahahha! A stupid mask of ignorance who has no idea of what's going on around him....
These people know nothing about anything, not economics, politics, law or even religion. They are uneducated and uncivilised, even the most decorated of them have not passed 10th standard. Do they even know what they are claiming to be when they call themselves Sheikhs? It is like calling an auxiliary nurse a neurosurgeon. Every now and then they make these spur of the moment on their feet statements in the hope of impressing people. Please people they have no clue, don’t listen and MN please do not give them a voice.
Please stop this pathetic lies that they are uneducated!!! They are the only party with a highly educated front line. It consist of posgraduates, including doctorates! Tehy have got numerous degree holders, in various fields. When you have nothing to say in reply to their press releases etc, you start spreading suchlies! how cheap and uncivilised that is!
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