FIFA candidate Champagne fires at UEFA over corruption cases

BRUSSELS (AP) — FIFA presidential candidate Jerome Champagne has criticized how corruption allegations were handled by UEFA, whose top administrator is a rival to lead world soccer.
Champagne did not name Gianni Infantino in comments at a European Parliament news conference on Wednesday, but the examples cited happened during his time as UEFA general secretary.
A Cypriot whistleblower in 2010 alleged bribery in UEFA's 2012 European Championship bidding contest, and match-fixing cases from 2011 in Turkey and 2015 in Greece which both angered fans who believe top clubs are protected from tougher sanctions.
Champagne says: "Was there an investigation for the vote in 2007 for the Euro 2012? No."
He adds: "Look at the controversies regarding the way match-fixing is dealt with in Greece and Turkey."
UEFA launched a defamation action in Switzerland against the whistleblower, who withdrew his claims several weeks later.
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