China Maldives Friendship Bridge to be built for US$ 200 million

Housing Ministry has reported that the winning bid for China Maldives Friendship Bridge is US$ 200 million.
The Ministry that the smallest bid for the project was 1,265 million Yuan, which amounts to around US$ 200 million. The Ministry stated that the bids were analyzed by a team of 11 experts from the 10th to 13th of this month.
Housing Ministry reported that the Chinese Government had shortlisted China Railway Major Bridge Engineering, CCCC Second Harbor Engineering and Shizuan Road and Bridge Construction. The project will be handed over to the company which scored the highest on the technical scale and the lowest on the pricing.
The construction of the bridge is to be started in December. A team from the winning bidder will come to Male’ to sign the agreement.
The bridge project is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the country. It is expected that the project will be completed well before the due date. Housing Ministry stated that the normal shipping routes will not be impacted by the bridge project.
Chinese Government is to provide US 100 million as grant aid for the project, with the rest US$ 100 million coming from a low interest loan provided by the Chinese Government.
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