A team led by former Human Rights Minister Dhiyana Saeed has filed a case to High Court, requesting it to declare the transfer of power from former President Mohamed Nasheed as illegal.
The case was filed to High Court by former Human Rights Minister Dhiyana Saeed, lawyer Ishraar Thaufeeg and Aminath Nazly.
Dhiyana said in an interview with Sun Online today that the High Court has been requested to declare that former President Mohamed Nasheed resigned under duress on 7 February 2012, and to declare that the transfer of power was illegal.
She said that 35 pieces of evidence had been submitted to court to prove this case, and that the court had been requested for the opportunity to submit additional evidence. She said that the evidence includes numerous video footage.
Dhiyana said that the court had not yet informed if the case had been accepted.
Ishraar said that while the constitution states that the three powers of the state are separated, their investigations had revealed that several activities in violation of the constitution, laws, regulations and best practice followed by the rest of the world took place on the day the government changed.
Isharaar said that according to the constitution, disputes related to the government should be filed to the court for a decision.
Case filed to High Court, requesting to declare transfer of power illegal
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