World Bank supports Maldives to improve secondary education

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors Friday approved a $9 million project to improve the performance of the education system, schools, and teaching and learning outcomes at the secondary education level in the Maldives.
"The Maldives Atoll Education Development Project" will be implemented by the Ministry of Education. The total financing is $10 million, which is comprised of a $4.5 million grant and a $4.5 million credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessional credit window for developing countries, and a contribution of US$1 million of counterpart funds from the Government of Maldives.
According to the World Bank, the new Maldives Atoll Education Development Project will support the Government in improving the quality of secondary education in subjects of strategic importance for economic development such as English language, mathematics, science, and skills education. Improved learning outcomes at the secondary education level in these strategic subjects will help more students qualify for higher secondary education.
Furthermore, schools will be encouraged to adopt environment-friendly behaviors like saving energy and reducing waste. Support will be provided to atoll schools to expand their ICT equipment and technology while also improving the skills of teachers to address the needs of students with learning challenges. The skills of school principals, management officials, and teachers will also be improved through targeted programs, said the World Bank.
“Building on these positive steps, Maldives needs to strengthen the quality of general education with a special focus on teacher performance in the outer atolls, and the quality assurance of schools in the islands with small student populations”, said Karthika Radhakrishnan-Nair, World Bank Education Specialist and Co-Task Team Leader of the project.
The World Bank Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, Faris. H. Hadad-Zervos said the project would broaden educational opportunities for the youth and advance the country’s equitable economic and human development.
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