Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has recalled a case they had filed in Civil Court which sought to regain Dharubaaruge from Male’ City Council. The state owned building was handed over the Male’ City Council under an agreement between the two institutions.
The ruling made by Civil Court on Monday in response to the recall of the case stated that Housing Ministry had written to the Attorney General’s Office stating they do not wish to pursue the case at this point in time.
The case was contested in court by the lawyers from the Attorney General’s Office representing the Housing Ministry. Civil Court had therefore made a ruling stating that there is no room to continue the case as it has been called back by the Attorney General.
The case submitted to the Civil Court on behalf of the Housing Ministry requested for a ruling to regain Dharubaaruge which was handed over the Male’ City Council under the agreement to “handover of the lands of Male’ to the Male’ City Council”.
A ruling made by the High Court on the 24th of last month on a similar case where the housing Ministry had requested for an order to regain Usfasgandu from Male’ City Council, High Court ruled that a piece of land which had been handed over to Male’ City Council can be regained by Housing Ministry after duly informing the Council, granted that such an instance that allows the Ministry to regain the piece of land arise, and that the Ministry does not have contesting the case in court.
Housing Ministry recalls case filed to gain back Dharubaaruge
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