The Maldives joined the global Earth Hour celebrations by switching off non-essential lights for an hour.
Created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Earth Hour is a worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to act on environmental issues and protect the planet. This event serves as a pivotal platform for raising global environmental consciousness. It galvanizes individuals, corporate entities, and prominent landmarks worldwide to participate in a symbolic sixty-minute lights-out period, demonstrating a unified commitment to combating climate change and safeguarding natural heritage.
Typically, the lights-out period for the Earth Hour is observed from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM. However, since this year’s Earth Hour coincided with the month of Ramadan, Earth Hour was celebrated in the Maldives from 09:45 PM to 10:45 PM.
The Maldives, a nation uniquely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, has a crucial role to play in the global effort as its natural habitat and ecosystems are treasures that must be safeguarded for future generations.
Maldives Takes Part in Global Earth Hour Initiative
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