Raajje TV has filed a case to Court, requesting for a ruling that the Police’s decision not to cooperate with Raajje TV is a violation of the law.
An official of Raajje TV said today that this decision by the Police deprives people of rights guaranteed by articles 27, 28 and 20 of the Constitution, and also limits the freedom of obtaining and providing information.
“One of the major reasons for filing this case is that the Police are biased in how they deal with media operators in the Maldives,” he said.
The Police have accused Raajje TV of attempting to defame the Police by spreading untrue information about the Police institution, hence decided to stop cooperating with Raajje TV.
Recently, Raajje TV showed videos of a Policeman stealing a phone, and stealing petrol from a parked motorcycle. The Police have refuted the claims made in both these videos.
Case of Police decision not to cooperate with Raajje TV filed to Court
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