President Solih to visit all government ministries

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will be visiting all Ministries as part of a program to improve the government’s overall quality of service.
President Solih kicked off the program by visiting the Ministry of Education as the first ministry to be visited as part of this program, this morning.
Speaking with the staff of the ministry, President Solih highlighted the important role of civil servants in delivering services to the public. The President also noted that the administration’s pledges can only be achieved through the dedication and hard work of civil servants, and extended his gratitude for the support and assistance of the civil servants.
President Solih also noted that the Education Ministry had made great strides in delivering its duties over the past year and congratulated the staff for their exceptional services. Speaking further, the President highlighted the importance of solving challenges that lie ahead and informed the staff about the Administration’s ongoing efforts to restructure the salaries and allowances of Civil Servants.
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