Parliament Committee Forwards CSC Vice President’s Dismissal for Floor Debate

The Independent Institutions Committee of the Parliament has approved to forward the dismissal of the Civil Service Commission (CSC)’s Vice President Ibrahim Rasheed to the Parliament floor.
At the committee meeting held Monday, proceedings were conducted with the audio turned off. All members present at the committee meeting, except for one, voted in favour of moving the matter to the Parliament floor.
As the committee meeting was conducted with the audio turned off, the reason for pursuing Ibrahim Rasheed’s dismissal remains unclear. The letter from the Committee to the Parliament floor will be heard at Tuesday’s Parliament sitting, after which the matter will be referred back to the committee for further consideration.
According to parliamentary rules, the dismissal of a member of an independent institution can only proceed after the committee approves to forward the matter to the Parliament floor. The Speaker will then announce the matter and refer it back to the committee for review.
Ibrahim Rasheed was appointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission in September 2020.
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