India breaks silence on China-Maldives FTA

India Thursday gave a guarded response to the Free Trade Agreement signed between China and the Maldives, saying it had yet to see the full document and could not comment on its contents.
The Maldives first FTA was rushed through parliament last month, but the government says it will open up the world’s largest consumer market for tariff-free fish exports. The Maldives also committed to waive import duties for Chinese goods.
It was one of 12 agreements signed during President Abdulla Yameen’s first state visit to China. Reports suggested New Delhi had been caught off guard by the FTA.
India’s External Affairs spokesman Raveesh Kumar told the media in a weekly briefing that the development of bilateral relations between China and the Maldives was welcomed as long as it contributed to the peace and stability in the region.
“As you are aware India attaches the highest importance to its relations with Maldives. We are also committed to support democracy, development and stability in Maldives.
“It is our expectation that as a close and friendly neighbor Maldives will be sensitive to our concerns in keeping with its India First policy.”
China has used articles in state media to take swipes at India, first saying it would “do nothing but upset itself” if it tried to prevent closer trade ties between the two nations and then accusing India of having an “outdated strategic mentality”.
Kumar did not refer to the Chinese articles.
“India” is a western imperialist concept or creation to enslave the Asians against the will of the indigenous people of South Asia, it is illegitimate alien and harmful to the Asians. The current “India” is an extension of its former colonial master, British imperialist, spreading their toxic divide-and-conquer discord among the Asians, and land grab of its neighbours, Sikkim, GOA, Kashmir,Tibet South, Nagas, Manipur, Assamese, … Unless this fascist regressive caste system Hindutva get destroyed this toxic cancer will destroy all humanity with its regressive, inhuman and barbaric caste system.
Half of the “India” is in armed struggles against this fascist regressive caste system Hindutva regime in New Delhi; it is time to support those freedom fighters to shake off the inhuman caste system yoke impose on them by the Hindutva.
Hindutva, you seem to be a citizen of Terroristan. Most readers will know exactly which country I mean. The hindutva movement in India has grown as a backlash against radical Islam that is destroying most Muslim countries. Muslim majority countries, Maldives included, have no democracy, no human rights, no women’s rights, no press freedom and have some of the most primitive and barbaric laws. Hey, you morons are still chopping off limbs and stoning women in the twenty first century. Not surprising then that most displaced persons, refugees and asylum seekers in the world today are from disfunctional Muslim countries…..Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and ofcourseTerroristan. Before Muslims start droning on about the caste system in India they should look at the toxic sectarianism practised in their own countries. The Saudi Arabia / Iran conflict will never end because one lot of retards is sunni and the other Shia. In Terroristan, on our western borders, Sunni fanatics regularly attack and kill the ‘wrong type of muslims’…..shias, Ahmadis, Sufis, barelvis and Hazaras. In Quetta a Christian church was attacked by suicide bombers just a few days ago. In fact Muslims killing other Muslims seems to be the new trend in the Islamic world.
For people from backward ‘100% Muslim’ countries to criticize India is rich indeed. We have a 80% Hindu majority in India yet remain a free secular democracy with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. We do not preach hatred against other faiths nor do we brainwash our young men into believing god created this world for Muslims only.
Make sure you start packing for your jihad after reading this. Get a one way ticket to Raqqa and Mosul and save money. PIA and Saudia are best for jihadi travel and all inflight food is halal. Do us Hindus a favour and DON’T COME BACK.
Hey Hindutva, are you Chinese? China, a country at war with all the countries along its land borders, save for Terroristan, and including all the countries in the South China Sea and Sea of Japan. Seems the Chinese regards all of South Asia as their personal domain. A bit like all Muslims believing the world has been created only for them.
The world seems to be full of brain dead morons.
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