Serving the nation is the responsibility upon all- Abdulla

Former Minister of State for Home Affairs Abdulla Mohamed has stated that serving the nation is the responsibility upon every individual.
In an interview to Miadhu Daily on the occasion of the National Day of Maoduves, Abdulla said that one of the most important reason why the National Day is celebrated is to renew the resolve to serve the nation.
“Utheemu Mohamed Takurufan or Boduthakurufan, everyone should take lesson from their great Jihad for the sake of the nartion. Serving the nation is not restricted to a particular group rather it is the responsibility of all people,” he said.
Abdulla said that while everyone uses social media, it is important to proclaim the word of truth on social media.
“Every development the nation gets will benefit the people. Everyone person should make an effort to serve the nation to the best of your ability,” he wants.
Abdulla noted that differences of opinion will occur in every country. He said that it is not a problem and when differences occur priority should be given to that which will benefit the country the most.
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