Maldives is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and price on consumer goods conventionally hit higher-price markers around the time every year; similarly lettuce has hit an all time high with retail sales price.
Even before Ramadan hit the price on lettuce started to bump significantly and by the first few days of the first week of Ramadan saw the item being sold from local outlets at a price of MVR120.00 per kilogram.
Currently local market and vendors are selling lettuce between a price of MVR180.00 to MVR200.00 per kilogram.
Tender coconut is the second item to have shown a significant hike in selling price, which has reached between MVR30.00 to MVR60.00 per coconut.
Watermelon, the most in-demand item during Ramadan every year has seen prices on it sliced down by the time the holy month graced the island nation. Initially watermelons at local outlets went for MVR35.00 and in-between which has since been dropped between MVR16.00 to MVR25.00 in most of the outlets.
Lettuce price at Maldives markets hits all time high
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