JSC opens application for vacant Supreme Court Justice position

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has announced the opening of applications for the post of Supreme Court justice.
A announcement follows the resignation of Justice Husnu Al-Suood, who stepped down while under suspension by the JSC. According to JSC, the deadline for application is 11:00 am on Wednesday.
The eligibility criteria for the post of Supreme Court judge include being at least 30 years of age, holding a first degree in Islamic Shariah, Law or a combination of Shariah and Law, and having a minimum of seven years of experience as a judge or practicing law or both.
The Supreme Court currently consists of Chief Justice Ahmed Muthasim Adnan, Justice Aisha Shujoon Mohamed, Justice Ali Rasheed Hussain and Dr Mohamed Ibrahim. Justices Dr Azmiralda Zahir and Mahaz Ali Zahir are currently under suspension.
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