A family in Gaafu alif Dhevvadhoo belonging to the Vaaru household has secured all three constituencies of Hulhumale' City in the parliamentary elections held yesterday.
Six people had contested for the South Hulhumale' Constituency in the parliamentary polls held yesterday. Acclaiming 1,059 votes with a 46.55 percent of the total votes, this seat was secured by the Transport Minister of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed's administration, Dr Ahmed Shamheed contesting on an MDP ticket.
The closest competitor to this candidate was PNC's Shaneez Hashim (Shanko) with 741 votes.
Similarly, six candidates had also vied for the Central Hulhumale' Constituency with Abdulla Shazeem of PNC elected to represent the region for the next five years. Shazeem is the husband of Shamheed's younger sister and had collected 1,728 votes to secure his win.
Five candidates had competed for the North Hulhumale Constituency. Hussain Shareef (Hussainbe) had secured this seat with a majority of 1,312 votes while the former Managing Director of Road Development Corporation (RDC), Moosa Ali Manik (Mookey) who was Hussain's closest competitor had accumulated a total of 813 votes.
Hussain, who had contested in the polls under PNC's ticket, is Shamheed's uncle.
Moreover, the parliamentarian elected to represent the Gemanafushi Constitution in the upcoming parliamentary term, Asadullah Shihab is also related to Shamheed as cousins. All these members are from the Vaaru Household in Dhevvadhoo.
Dhevvadhoo Vaaru household commemorates win in all three Hulhumale seats
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