TVM and VOM halt all political programs

Maldives Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) has stopped all political programs, until they are able to understand their role as a public broadcaster and send intellectually debatable programs.
Chairman of MBC Board Ibrahim Umar Manik said, speaking on responsibilities of public broadcasters on DhiTV News, that several challenges have been faced by the institution following the change from being mainly used for political and business purposes, to a public broadcaster. MBC personnel are being trained and educated on public broadcasting by foreign groups, to deal with these challenges.
Manik said that when MBC took over these institutions, Television Maldives (TVM) and Voice of Maldives (VOM) were broadcasting political programs which ‘encouraged hostility in the society’. These programs have now been halted. Similar programs will not commence until the producers and presenters understand their role as public broadcasters, and the programs can be made intellectual. However the ‘Raajje Miadhu’ program on TVM will continue; the only change will be that the topic of discussion on the program will be the main headline of the day.
TVM and VOM have replaced the political programs with dramas and other social programs. MBC Regulations Article 2 states that the purpose of MBC is to create a public broadcaster who is independent and unbiased in terms of politics and business; to broadcast programs tailored to all categories and people; and to provide responsible broadcasting services through a standard structure.
MBC has made changes to the time allowed for political parties on their channels. Each party is now allowed one hour per month, which can only be broadcasted from the studio. Also instead of sending the political party rallies live, TVM and VOM will only send the parties’ annual meetings and congresses. No fee will be charged to broadcast these functions live.
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