Taking loans from China will not increase the debt and create problems- Adheeb

Co-Chair of the Economic Committee of the President’s Office, Minister of Tourism, Ahmed Adheeb has said that taking loans from the China to develop the second runway of the airport will not cause any problems of increased debts.
Adheeb noted that China grants loans with an interest of less than 2 percent. He said that the launch after receiving will get a grace period to pay it back.
He said that the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport is also a company generating an income. He said that getting a loan to develop the second runway with a good grace period will be of great benefit in a time when the airport is in need of a second runway.
Adheeb noted that the 30 million dollar linkroad in Hahdhunmathi is a project financed by China voluntarily.
Minister at the President’s Office, Mohamed Hussein Shareef said that there is a strong possibility that the bridge project is also financed by the Chinese government for free.
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