A video has been leaked last night, of former President Mohamed Nasheed commanding and shouting at military officers in front of MNDF Headquarters minutes before his resignation.
The video shows former President Nasheed, former Defence Minister Thalhath Ibrahim Kaleyfaan, Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem and former Major General Moosa Ali Jaleel walking around in panic.
The President is heard shouting at the defence officers to go out and, “save this place, the whole of Male’ has been destroyed. What is wrong with you?”
Prior to the leakage of the video, Nasheed told international media that the military used weapons to threaten him to resign. He said that the police and military conducted a coup against him and that his resignation was forced.
However, MNDF Male’ Area Commander Brigadier General Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, who was the Operation Commander during last Tuesday’s incident, said that the former President was not held at gunpoint by any Officer, and that Nasheed made the decision to resign on his own.
Related Video:
Leaked video shows Nasheed commanding officers on the day of his resignation
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