Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz has said that attacks on Police officers and Police property are led by former President Mohamed Nasheed, and organised by senior members of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).
Speaking at a press conference today, Riyaz said that leaders of MDP have, on several occasions, incited violence against Police officers. He blamed the murder of Police Lance Corporal Adam Haleem on MDP’s calls to harass and attack the Police.
Referring to injuries and damage sustained by the Police institution, Riyaz said that on 8 February, private property of 65 Police officers were damaged, resulting in losses worth MVR134,200. Also, 85 Police officers sustained injuries of various degrees during the protest on the same day.
Minister of Home Affairs Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed said that attacks on the Police began with the arson attacks on Police Stations on 8 February.
He noted that the false information being spread by the media about the Police institution has played a major role in the increase in attacks on Police.
He highlighted that the spread of misleading information by Raajje TV has encouraged unrest in the country, and urged the relevant authorities to take the necessary action to prevent the spread of such information.
Dr Jameel said that investigations will be carried out in the event that a Police officer breaks the law. Noting that several such investigations are ongoing, Jameel pointed out that the necessary institutions to carry out such investigations are in place.
Dr Jameel said that it is not acceptable that the entire Police force is attacked based on the adverse actions of one Police officer. He said that the groups which attack the Police are driven by politics, and that their purpose is to destabilise the nation and deprive Maldivians of their right to freedom.
Attacks on Police are led by Nasheed: Commission of Police
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