Nasheed: Passage of Evidence Bill as it is ‘only option’

Speaker, former president Mohamed Nasheed told reporters on Thursday that the only option available now was to pass the Evidence Bill as it is – a move which would force reporters to disclose their sources.
Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) had organized a silent protest in front of the Parliament on Thursday morning, urging parliamentarians to postpone the passage of the bill.
Nasheed met with the reporters gathered outside the Parliament and told them there was nothing else the Parliament could do about the bill but pass it, but it could be revised later.
“It was a huge task. Months of work. There’s only one option; passing the bill as it is and then amending it as you wish later,” he said.
Nasheed said he was open to listening to concerns of all reporters, but that there wasn’t enough time to listen to their concerns regarding the bill.
The Parliament is set to take its vote on the government bill, sponsored by North Thinadhoo MP Abdul Mughni, later Thursday.
Both MJA and Maldives Media Council (MMC) had shared concerns regarding the bill with the Judiciary Committee, during the review of the bill.
The concern regarding the bill stems from lack of guarantee of the safety of sources once their identities are released.
Both MJA and MMC also noted that the protection of sources was a fundamental right, guaranteed under international conventions Maldives is party to.
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