Health Protection Agency (HPA), on Saturday, placed Gan and Fonadhoo in Laamu Atoll under monitoring, after four individuals who travelled to Fonadhoo from Dhevvadhoo in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the agency, the four individuals were tested for the virus after they started exhibiting virus like symptoms. HPA revealed that Fonadhoo, and Gan connected to Fonadhoo, will be placed under monitoring status until the contact tracing process is completed.
Dhevvadhoo is also currently under monitoring after a number of individuals who travelled from Male’ to the tested positive for the virus. The infected patients had mingled with the community, after they had finished their quarantine period, and contact tracing is underway to ensure that there is no community spread on the island.
At present, Maldives records a total of 14,044 virus cases of which 709 are active cases, in addition to 13,279 recoveries and 49 deaths.
COVID-19: Laamu Atoll’s Fonadhoo, Gan placed under monitoring
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